Functional CV

When we write our resume, we can choose different types of documents based on our purpose, our experiences and even the job we are applying for. Among the various types of CV that we can use, the functional CV is among the most peculiar. In this guide we explain what is meant by functional curriculum vitae, to whom and what it is used for and how it must be completed in order for it to take effect.

What is meant by functional curriculum vitae

What is a functional resume? It is a type of document that focuses almost exclusively on one’s abilities. The functional CV revolves entirely around results, qualities, skills and roles and for this reason it also highlights the knowledge acquired not through study courses and seminars but rather through specific projects and job positions. The experiences acquired are in fact classified in terms of results, skills, abilities and roles, thus missing the unnecessary requirement of chronological linearity.

When and why to choose a functional CV format

The choice of this type of CV is to be taken into account when you are so specialized in a certain profession, in a certain topic, in a specific area within a profession that you want to highlight this as a strong point. Having always held the same position in the same company or the same position in different companies is also part of the type of specialization that may require the use of a functional resume when looking for a new job.

To benefit from this format are also all those who have had professional breaks, who work as a freelance or independently or who may have changed jobs often, remaining in the same field. Without forgetting those who want to completely change their jobs and bet everything on the skills and qualities acquired. Basically, this CV is used in cases where it is necessary to highlight one’s professional skills and experience, rather than a specific linearity established by the dates.

In summary, therefore, here is when using a functional CV could be advantageous :

  1. When you are specialized and want to highlight the specialization;
  2. When the CV has professional holes;
  3. When you want to change fully work;
  4. When freelancing;
  5. When you have changed jobs or employers often.

The advantages of a functionally ordered resume

A functional CV undoubtedly has advantages, especially for those people who belong to the categories we discussed above. Here are some advantages of the functional CV:

  • Allows you to focus on skills and work experience
  • Allows you to mask any periods of inactivity;
  • Allows you to highlight specific results obtained thanks to one’s own preparation;
  • It allows to highlight the precise and specific knowledge in relation to the job position for which one is applying.

The disadvantages of a functionally ordered resume

A CV of this type is not ideal for everyone, however, and also has some disadvantages, including:

  • Career progression may not be easy to spot, as the purpose of this type of CV is to show experience and skills, not necessarily in chronological order;
  • If not well written, a functional resume can be confusing and therefore more problematic than helpful.

The fundamental sections of a functional curriculum

A functional CV must contain several sections that allow to highlight knowledge, preparation and skills. Here are the basic sections for a resume:

Personal information

A CV always starts with your personal data and especially, as well as your name and surname, telephone number and email address to allow you to be contacted. The residential address is optional as well as the city, unless it is explicitly requested by the job offer.

Personal profile

As it is an extremely concise type of CV, it is important that the functional resume is accompanied by a personal profile highlighting the crucial aspects of one’s experience.

Work experience

In addition to specifying the job, in this case it is also good to specify the skills developed and the projects undertaken. Not all work experiences must be entered, but only those relevant to the position you would like to fill. Furthermore, it is always advisable to specify not only the general experience but specifically the role covered in the company during one’s stay; not only that, if you have held a role very similar to the one you are applying for, even in another sector and at another level, it is worth mentioning specifically. For example: a candidate who wants to work in a call center and not direct experience of a call center but has worked in a coffee shop, in contact with customers every day to solve their requests, must necessarily add this role among the work experiences, clearly specifying its functions and highlighting that, even if it was not a pure call center, the customer service experience was extensive and lasting.


Since the functional CV is based precisely on communicating what you can do, it is necessary to specify your knowledge if related to the position for which you are applying or if related to your experiences. In the functional CV it is always necessary to add specific skills, explain them in detail where possible and provide examples: these are in fact the elements that make the difference in this type of document, always paying attention to the information that is added. For example, a PHP programmer would for example specify that he also knows ASP.


In support of work experience, the results obtained must always be highlighted, to demonstrate that the declared experience is real. For example, an online marketing manager should specify the company he worked for but also the specific project he followed and all the results obtained.

Courses and Education

The courses they are important for a functional CV, as they help define the candidate’s path and skills. They are even more important if you are applying for a first job or if you have little experience. Just like the courses, education and training are also of vital importance for the construction of a functional CV, precisely because it is a type of curriculum for a candidate who focuses not on work experience but on experience acquired in another way.

Job sought

It is useful to specify what type of job you are looking for based on your qualities and skills. When applying for a specific position, it is good to mention that what you are applying for is the job you are actually looking for.

Other useful tips for a functionally ordered CV

Since it is a type of CV that could appear messy, following a few rules helps in writing a complete and understandable document. Here are a few:

  • Grouping skills by theme: instead of listing them one by one, skills can be grouped on a thematic level in such a way as to give the reader the ‘immediate knowledge of the candidate. For example, the Customer Service Management skill includes among other skills on the phone, skills as a salesman, etc.
  • Don’t overdo it: even if the temptation is strong, it is necessary to focus only on experiences functional to the position for which you are applying to avoid that the CV is too long;
  • Using the same language of the job offer: choosing the same words and the same language used in the job offer facilitates employers who, in a short time and by identifying specific themes and words, succeed immediately understand if the candidate might be suitable for the position in question.

In summary

  • A functional CV its advantages in the case of candidates who want to highlight the skills learned during their career;
  • If a functional CV is not filled in correctly, it could be difficult to read and consult;
  • The functional curriculum does not require that all experiences and skills be specified but only the main ones.